When to Call for Ice Machine Repair

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Whether you’re aiming to chill food or refresh drinks, you rely on your commercial ice machine to consistently produce ice throughout the day. If your ice machine begins to fall into disrepair, you’ll want to be aware as soon as possible so that minor fixes don’t become larger, more costly replacements.

When to Call for Ice Machine Repair

Here are some signs to watch out for when it comes to ice machine repair:

  • Leaking: One of the most surefire signs of an ice machine in need of maintenance is water accumulating around the unit. If you begin to see puddles of water collecting at the base of your ice machine regularly, this could be a sign that it has a leak. If the leaking persists, you can run the risk of damaging your machine and floor. If you think you’re suffering from a leak, schedule an appointment for ice machine repair to address the issue.
  • Loud unit: An ice machine that’s heard loudly buzzing, shaking, or shrieking may need maintenance to work properly again. These noises can be caused by components failing due to overwork, overheating, electrical problems, or accumulated grime.
  • Producing less ice: There are several possible explanations for an ice machine that’s not generating enough output. It could be that the ice machine is simply experiencing more demand, and it doesn’t have the capacity to accommodate that increased usage. Another answer could be heat; if the ice machine is too hot, it may not be able to create ice cubes. If your ice machine is supplying much less ice or not ejecting any ice at all, this could be a sign that an ice machine repair is needed.

If you need ice machine repair in the Ocala, Florida area, give us a call at SOS Refrigeration & HVAC LLC. We can get your ice machine working well again in no time.