Reasons to Schedule an Annual Air Conditioning Inspection

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We at SOS Refrigeration & HVAC LLC have extensive experience in the HVAC industry, and we want to help you keep your air conditioning in good working order. To do this, we offer a variety of services, including emergency repairs and routine maintenance and inspections. We encourage you to have your air conditioning inspected at least once a year, and in this article, we’ll go over a few reasons why.

Reasons to Schedule an Annual Air Conditioning Inspection

• Optimal Performance – The first reason you should schedule an annual air conditioning inspection is to help optimize your system’s performance. Our team will examine every part of your system to see what kind of condition it’s in, and we’ll make the necessary adjustments or repairs to bring your system back into excellent working order. By the time our team is finished, your system will perform better and be more energy efficient.

• Prevent Malfunctions – Another reason to use our air conditioning inspection services is that doing so will help prevent your system from breaking down in the future. Our team will catch and correct minor issues before they can become more serious, which in turn should prevent your system from malfunctioning.

• Improve Air Quality – As part of our air conditioning inspections, we will look at your air filters. Our team can replace your filters (although you should replace your filters every three months, not just every year) to remove accumulated dust in your system. This in turn will prevent the dust and other trapped particles from continuing to circulate, improving your air quality.